Dear Readers,
Variety is proud to publish this Special Report: Marriage Equality & the Supreme Court, which includes a look at the entertainment industry’s role in paving the way for the historic June 26 ruling. The issue looks at the path to wider acceptance of LGBT individuals and concerns, and explores the obstacles ahead in the fight for equality.
The past year has seen protests across the country over bigotry and lack of diversity. But of all minority groups, LGBT people are the only ones denied national equality in areas such as housing and employment. The Supreme Court decision addresses the definition of marriage, but the same-sex debate continues in many other areas.
This edition includes the views of more than 80 individuals, who are key figures in entertainment and media, as well as leaders in the political, religious and legal communities. The package features reported stories, columns, data, Q&As and first-person accounts in these 106 pages.
As President Obama said on June 26, the ruling is a reminder that “we are one people” and that “countless small acts of courage have led to this moment.” So this Special Report explores how the media have helped reflect and shape national attitudes. We congratulate show business for helping advance the conversation. This issue also intends to challenge readers about the next steps.
We want to thank every person who contributed an opinion and voice, whether it was in support of marriage equality or against it. We are grateful to all of you for speaking out. A special thanks goes to the three families who invited us into their homes to be photographed for a portrait essay by Robert Maxwell.
We also want to acknowledge PMC founder Jay Penske, and Daniel Loeb, PMC investor and founder-CEO of Third Point LLC, for their strong support of this effort.
Producing this edition required herculean work from Variety’s editorial staff, who were simultaneously contributing daily to the website and to the pages of the weekly magazine. An amazing team of reporters, editors and designers performed tirelessly to make Variety’s Marriage Equality report an extraordinary achievement at a critical moment in American history.
Tim Gray, Variety senior VP
Claudia Eller, Variety co-editor-in-chief

It's No Cakewalk to Full Equality Despite the Court's Decision
Despite Hollywood’s help in shifting American opinion, and the Supreme Court’s landmark decision, there’s still much more work to be done.

Love, Loss and Steadfast Commitment Lead a Nation Forward
Jim Obergefell tells the personal story of his journey to the Supreme Court after the death of his husband John Arthur.
An exclusive Variety poll shows huge support for legal equality – but same-sex marriage is a separate issue.
public support of equality
aware of LGBT legal inequality
support of marriage
More from the Special Edition
Why Gay Movie Stars Are Staying Locked in the Closet
For more voices, stories and points of view go to